A bus filled with passengers was going on, when suddenly the weather changed and heavy rains started and electricity also started shining all around.
Everyone was watching that the power can take the bus down.
After 2 or 3 difficult attempts to avoid the light, the driver stopped the bus at fifty feet away from the tree and said -Image result for the help of the ¥?
"We have someone on the bus whose death is certain today."
Because of that person, everyone else will still be killed.
Now listen carefully what I am saying
I want every person to get off the bus and go out and touch the tree trunk and come back.
"Whose death is certain, it will be caught by the power and will die, and the rest will be saved".
He asked the first person to go and touch the tree and come back.
He reluctantly left the bus and touched the tree.
Her heart was pleased when nothing happened and she was still alive.
The same order continued for the rest of the passengers and all of them were relieved when they returned to the tree and nothing else happened.
But when the turn of the last passenger came, everyone stared with his eyes.
The traveler was very scared and reluctant because he alone was left alone.
Everyone forced him to land down and go and touch the tree.
With 100% of death, the last passenger went to the tree and touched it.
At the same time there was a big sound of thunder and gas and electricity took the bus - yes, all the people were killed inside the bus after coming in the grip of electricity.
By this incident it became clear (will have to believe) that the entire bus was safe due to the presence of this last passenger.
Many times, we try to take credit for our current achievements, but forget that it is due to a person who is engaged with us. Perhaps because of that person, we present our current happiness, respect, love, name, Fame, financial support, power, status and what are not enjoying.
Look around you - maybe you have someone around you as your parents, your husband or wife, your child, your siblings, your friends, etc. who are saving you from harm ..!
Think about it and thank that soul.
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